Alley E. Hawkes (photo byDr. Sidney Branson) |
Walter Lunt
the not-so-distant past, Windham was considered a farming community. Local
farmers produced everything from milk and beans to cider and potatoes. That is,
just about everything consumed at the family dinner table.
same dusk-to-dawn workers also contributed heavily to local civic and political
institutions. Scores of farms, large and small, dotted the Windham landscape
from the 18th through the mid-20th centuries.
the many standout yeoman of Windham’s recent past was Alley Eugene Hawkes whose
farmland, at one time, stretched from the four corners at Windham Center, on
both sides of the road south down Windham Center Road for about a half-mile. The
expanse totaled more than 150 acres, much of it dedicated to crop land.
in Windham in 1885 near the farmstead he would own and operate for decades in
the 1900s, Alley was brought up learning the art of husbandry; knowledge
accumulated from the generations of Hawkes’ before him. The Hawkes family name
extends back to Windham’s earliest days when, in 1740, Ebenezer Hawkes helped
build New Marblehead’s first sawmill at what is now known as Mallison Falls in
South Windham.
members gathered recently at the farmhouse on Windham Center Road, located
across from the Nash Road intersection, to share their fond memories of the
family patriarch and the days when the farm was a way of life.
married Dorothy Hall in 1914, the start of a loving 56-year union. The family
would swell with the addition of eight children and 27 grandchildren. Nearly
all grew up knowing the ways of farm life.
the time of their marriage, Alley was working the Windham Center farm with his
father, Frank (the namesake for one of Alley’s eight children. The younger
Frank and a brother, Dick, would later carry on the family business following
Alley’s death in 1970).
on, according to Alley’s daughter-in-law June Hawkes (wife of Dick, who is now
deceased), the homestead was a dairy farm, known as Brookside Farm.
would milk the cows very early, then he had a delivery route. He delivered milk
to South Windham (a thriving business area at the time).”
the following years the farm expanded. More acreage was devoted to growing
vegetables and an apple orchard was established.
worked 7 days a week. But not all-day Sunday – that was family day,” said June.
farm stand was opened on route 302 in 1932. It soon became a popular stop for
residents and tourists (The Windham Eagle – May 13, 2016).
following year, 1933, Alley and son Dick opened a cider mill on the Windham
Center Road farmland adjacent to Black Brook. Like the farm stand on route 302,
the small shed-like structure became a local landmark. Family records show that
over its 60-plus years of operation the mill pressed over 700 bushels of apples
and produced approximately 19,000 gallons of cider – initially in glass jugs,
later in plastic containers. Upon the death of her husband in 1992, June took
over operation of the mill. She recalled that one of the favorite cider recipes
involved a set combination of Macintosh, Red Delicious and Snow apples. One
customer requested a red beet be added to every few bushels “to keep the color
cider mill closed in 1996 following 63 years of continuous operation.
from the Hawkes orchard were sold at the 302 farm stand and, at one time, to
Windham schools for their lunch program. The cider was also sold to numerous
other farms in southern Maine and in New Hampshire.
best known as a successful, progressive farmer, Alley Hawkes is remembered for
his many inspiring human qualities. He was a Quaker; a congregant of the
Society of Friends Church in Windham. He also participated in the Grange,
Freemason’s and Kiwanis Club. He served on the Windham Town Budget Committee
for many years.
was an innovator,” said grandson Jim Hawkes. Determined to harvest the earliest
peas in the state, he developed a “hot-cap,” which he set over each seedling.
He planted over 1000 hills by hand, telling a local newspaper, “It’s a lot of
work but my roadside stand customers have the earliest peas in the state.”
said his aunt once told him how Alley tried to sell canned corn. “He’d strip
the corn off the cob, can it, then try to solder the top on. It didn’t work,
what a mess!”
new ideas intrigued Alley. On trips to California to visit family, grandson Jim
Quimby said, “He’d spend as much time visiting farms as he did family.”
one trip he encountered a new type of hay rake. Tines attached to rotating wheels
moved newly mowed hay into perfect rows for the baler. He bought one and had it
shipped to Maine. Quimby said it attracted the attention of neighboring farmers
“who would come around to see what he had.”
Mary Vandenburgh and Becky Hawkes remember how old-time values prevailed. Said
Vandenburgh, “The girls worked inside, the boys did the outside work.”
Vandeburgh and Hawkes still laugh at what they called “no co-ed picking.”
Harvest time often necessitated additional help from the girls. When that
happened, the girls stayed together picking one crop, the boys another. No
gender-mixing allowed, per order of Alley Hawkes.
of baby-boomer boys worked the Hawkes Farm in the 50s and 60s. One is hard
pressed to hear an ill word about Alley. He was direct and gruff at times, but
always meant well. Multiple generations respected and appreciated the gentleman
farmer on Windham Center Road.
worker recalled his teenage years on the farm, “He (Alley) would put up with a
reasonable amount of fooling around, but then when he spoke you straightened
out fast. Not because he was intimidating or mean, but because you respected
the man.”
family and former workers recall he rarely, or never, fired anyone. He cared so
much about his young workers that he felt a responsibility to nurture them,
particularly about work ethic. Often, he would yell, “Name, Go Home!”
The boy would leave for the rest of the day and return the next. There was, it
seemed, always a second chance.
if a boy didn’t show up for work,” said June, “Alley would check up on him –
not to lecture him, but to make sure he was okay.”
and Dick) instilled in me a work ethic and a sense of fairness, “said Quimby,
“they didn’t have to preach to you, they lived it and it made you want to be
like them. They taught by example.”
the need for questions prompted by the reporter, Quimby went on, “He had a
reverence for the soil. Some would say ‘dirt,’ he would always say ‘soil.’ I
can still see those arthritic hands pressing down on a seedling.”
produced a picture. Alley is shown bending over a great pig, its leathery snout
inserted deep inside a pail of food held by Alley. “This is one of my favorite
pictures of Alley. He loved animals and had a special way with them. (Even)
feral cats would come up to him.”
jumped to another topic as the memories kept flowing. “He loved Pepsi Cola. He would always have
one at the end of the (work) day. He’d keep cases of it in the woodshed off the
kitchen. We’d (the grandchildren) sneak in and take one, hide somewhere and
drink it. I think he must have known, but never said anything to us.”
former worker, who is now 73 years old and who prefers to remain anonymous,
remembers a steamy July morning in 1963 when he and a friend arrived at the
Hawkes farm a few minutes after 8:00 o’clock. Already hot and sweaty, both boys
dropped their bikes on the lawn and stared out at the dusty multi-acre gardens
in anticipation of a long, uncomfortable work day.
approached the boys from behind, and in his folksy down-on-the-farm speech
pattern asked, “Well, good ahfter-noon. You boahs ready’t go to whurk today, or
do yah need go back home for some mo-ah rest?”
from Alley, the message was not a sarcastic lecture. It’s meaning and intent
was clear to both boys:
late. Please don’t be late again.
summer. It gets hot. Deal with it.
to work rested and ready to work.
lesson on work ethic received and understood.
Jeanne (Williams) Rogers remembers a hot, sunny day when she was eight years
(Alley) was getting ready to mow a field, and he asked if I wanted to go
along.” She didn’t want to go, but decided her grandfather wanted company so
she agreed. Sitting on the tractor, straddling the hood, she remembers
thinking, “I just want this to be over. I want to go home.”
and abruptly, Alley stopped the tractor in the middle of a half-mowed row.
Rogers said he got down from the tractor and reached into the tall grass. He
stood up holding three baby field mice in his cupped hands.
you see these?” he asked his granddaughter. She had not. Rogers said he then
carefully placed the tiny creatures on the mowed side of the row, climbed back
on the machine, and continued to mow.
was so fond of him,” said Rogers, “what a kind soul he was.”
asked for their most prominent memory of Alley Hawkes, all seven family members
interviewed for this article had the same initial response: the necktie.
Diane Loring responded firmly, “I remember him always wearing a necktie,
whether out in the garden, milking cows or wherever.”
for the reason, no one could say for sure. But Jim Hawkes and Mary Vandenburgh
speculated that he considered himself a businessman, so he dressed like one.
Jim said that perhaps it showed respect and pride for his profession and that
it may have been an influence from his father.
it is to this day a distinctive and memorable feature of the man.
Hawkes was a charter member of the Windham Historical Society. Conservation and
preservation in his beloved community was a life-long priority. In the month
following his death in 1970, the W.H.S. newsletter memorialized his passing:
“…our heartfelt sympathy to the (Hawkes) family and to his many friends and
relatives in their personal loss…and to the whole town of Windham. This
smiling, pink cheeked farmer whose high-quality farm produce won a lasting
reputation with uncountable summer visitors…was truly a town ‘father.’"