The Windham Parent Teacher Association is getting a much
needed shot of adrenaline this year with a new board ready to dig into traditional
programs like the Cultural Reflections contest and new programs like the
Valentine’s Day Project, where primary school children purchased flowers for
their favorite teachers and wrote messages.
The Windham PTA covers kindergarten to 12th grade
and is only for Windham Schools. Raymond has a PTO.
The new officers are Amanda Wotton, president; Melanie
Keary, vice president; Nicole Foster, secretary; and Chelsea Sperry, treasurer.
The group has already started to create new programs that
will bring in money to help with future programs. The Valentine’s Day project
raised $260.
The association is not under the direction of the school
department like a PTO. They work closely with the schools to help provide
support and grants for little extras like trips and equipment.
The former board had been serving for more than 10 years and
was ready for a break, even if that meant dissolving the association. They
needed an infusion of new ideas. The new board wanted to thank them for their
service. Julie Frost, Windham PTA secretary for 9 years, Lori Witherow, president
for 11 years and Pam Clinch, treasurer for 11 years.
“We will uphold and honor the traditions that the former PTA
had and add to things and keep doing what has been working while modernizing
it,” said Foster.
The members of the PTA would like to see more of the
community and staff get involved. With fewer than 60 members and approximately
10 that attend meetings consistently, the group needs more manpower.
“Some parents are super involved in PTA and they are the
same ones involved in everything else. When parents hear PTA, they think it
must be huge,” said Wotton. “We want to increase the number of members that are
“We are still here, stepping up. Sub-committees are still
being formed,” said Foster.
“It’s real moms and dads. I want to be more inclusive of the
entire community, not just be a bank for grants. We are a service and resource
for parents,” said Wotton.
“I know it’s a great place to meet other parents, vent to
other parents and not be judged,” said Wotton, who has four children. It
doesn’t have to be a big commitment, it could be making a few phone calls or
making copies.
Since December the group has donated snow pants for a child
who didn’t have any and provided a grant for Little Backpackers. The total the
PTA has given away in grants so far this year is $3,300 and $750 grants for
seniors. Their goal is to raise $5,000 yearly.
The largest fundraiser for the PTA has always been in the
fall when the primary and Manchester School students sell wrapping paper or
local products, although the products and companies have varied over the years.
This year the PTA is taking pitches from new companies.
Another fundraiser generates half of the proceeds for the
PTA with community dinners at places like Applebee’s, Friendlys and Summit
Adventures with a coupon, said Foster.
The first week in May will be staff appreciation week at all
of the Windham schools. In addition to the teachers, there are all of the
support staff and 41 bus drivers that the PTA will honor. The PTA is looking
for volunteers to provide donations.
“The type of donations we'll be seeking in addition to any
gift cards for goods and services. Those gift cards will be divided
between the four schools for daily teacher drawings as "door prizes"
for the week (with the three teachers who are PTA members being entered
twice),” Foster said. There will also be a traditional ice cream social for the
WMS teachers and a dessert day following a luncheon at WHS, she added.
“We need to have support from the parents and teachers,”
said Foster. And the parents and teachers want support from the PTA. The PTA
would also like feedback from teachers about what they’d like to see the
association do.
“It’s always nice to have other ideas and input,” said
Sperry. The group is allowing children to be at the business meetings and
planning activities for them to encourage more parent participation.
“We’re taking it slow and being responsible in our growth,”
Foster said.
Membership in the Windham PTA is $10 for the full year from
April 1, 2015 to August 1, 2016.
Membership also provides discounts at Staples
and puts parents on a special listserve. The Windham PTA can be found on
Facebook and can be emailed at
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