If you haven’t been to see A Wonderful Life: The Musical at the
Schoolhouse Arts Center this holiday season, don’t miss your chance next
weekend. “It will put you in the Christmas Spirit if you aren’t already,” said
board president Christina McBreairty in her introduction to the show on
Saturday, December 12th, and it certainly did.

brings the story to life with a vibrant cast that draws the audience into the
story, evoking emotions that most people have felt at some point in their
lives. In the holiday season, it’s easy to get caught up in all the things we
want and don’t have, or all the things we can’t provide. This show helps remind
us how valuable the people in our lives are, and how much more that means than
material things.
scenery is simple, and that keeps the focus on the cast, which is substantial
in both size and talent. A few quick transfers of furniture easily create a
multitude of settings, including a lively street, a bustling restaurant, and
the insides of the characters offices and homes.
Koskinen brings George to life, detailing his plight with great expression and
feeling. He touches the audience with his convincing portrayal of both a loyal
and caring man, and a man who has big dreams that have never been realized. In
the second act, the feeling of defeat comes through strong, particularly in the
moving number “Precious Little.” And at the end, his sense of wonder and
accomplishment when he realizes just what he’s had all along creates an
uplifting ending that leaves the audience smiling.
Ferent’s Clarence is a show stealer, as he perfectly captures the innocent
qualities of an angel seeking his wings. His performance of the song “Wings”
was a bit of lighthearted relief in the otherwise more somber first act of the
musical numbers helped create a sense of unity from scene to scene, and the
full ensemble scenes in particular created the small town feel that is so
important to the story. Earlier scenes show neighbors coming together both in
happiness and distress, and make the scene in the “unborn sequence” more
powerful with its sense of disconnection and the final scene more touching as
the town bands together to help George.
A Wonderful Life: The Musical is a feel
good addition to the busy holiday season, and the Schoolhouse Arts Center
brings it to life with enthusiasm and pizzazz. The final weekend runs December
18-20, with shows on Friday and Saturday at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. Tickets
can be purchased online by visiting www.schoolhousearts.org, or reserved by
calling 207-642-3743.
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