Currently there is only one other Auto
Shine in Maine which is located in Topsham.
“This building will look pretty much
identical to that location,” explained Amos. Concerns regarding waste water
removal were high on the towns list. “Investment has been made with the
purchase of high tech water re-use and recycle water system provided by Aqua Bio
Technologies. In summary, it’s like a mini-treatment plant on-site. Nothing
from the washing process will enter the ground water,” continued Amos.
Traffic flow concerns were also addressed.”
The access to Route 302 will be limited to right turning traffic for exiting
vehicles. No left turns will be permitted onto Route 302 from the main
entrance. All customers that wish to turn North onto Route 302 will be directed
to the River Road exit, where they can enter Route 302 at the River Road
signalized intersection,” said Amos.
The resulting unanimous decision was to
accept and approve the final plans.
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