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Getting ready for the adventure |
Windham Eagle Reporter and Registered Maine Guide, Craig Bailey, recently
returned from an excursion on the Allagash Wilderness Waterway (AWW). This is
the second article in a three-part series on the topic. If you missed the first
part you can read it online at: frontpage.thewindhameagle.com/2019/06/the-allagash-wilderness-waterway.html
There are many factors to
consider when planning an adventure on the AWW to achieve a safe and enjoyable
journey. The basic objectives are ensuring everyone remains warm, dry, fed and hydrated. This should not be taken lightly, as once the
journey begins there is no opportunity to obtain forgotten items or replenish
provisions along the way. Being completely self-sufficient for the duration of
the trip is essential. Think of it as camping without a safety net.
Logistics require the most advance coordination.
A trip on the Allagash begins at one of many access points,
where the adventurous group is dropped off with gear and provisions for the
multi-day excursion. From there, plans must be in place to ensure
transportation is at the other end, so the group can get home. This is
accomplished by engaging one of a few shuttle service-providers.
The options include: driving one’s vehicle over miles of rough,
dirt, logging roads, to the put-in point and having the shuttle service drive
the vehicle back, over rough roads, to the take-out point at the end of the
Allagash River. Alternatively, one can drive their own vehicle over paved roads
to St. Francis. Here the gear, provisions and group are transferred to the
shuttle service-provider, who then drives their vehicle over the rough roads to
the put-in, ensuring the group’s vehicle is ready at the end-point of the
Quality and durability are key to ensure the equipment stands up
to the abuse it will take. That said, it is not necessary to spend a fortune as
many items can be obtained at Walmart.
While the excursion is in the middle of the woods, ready-cut,
split and dried firewood is not to be expected unless a kind traveler left some
behind during their visit to a particular campsite. Therefore, it is necessary
to bring a machete and ax to cut and split wood at each campsite as well as
multiple methods of starting a fire, each stored in separate, waterproof
Other recommendations include a sleeping bag, rated 20 degrees
less than the coldest temperature expected, and a tent that won’t leak in the
rain, with space to hold personal gear.
To transport the group and gear along the waterway, 20’ Old Town
XL Tripper canoes are recommended for the space, stability, and durability to
take the beating they will sustain.
In addition, one must prepare for emergencies, the ability to
self-rescue is a must. This includes carrying first-aid for minor cuts and
abrasions, along with a trauma kit and satellite phone for severe injuries or
mishaps that may occur.
Provisions (food and consumables) are the next area of
Food should consist of tasty, nutritional meals and snacks to
keep energy levels up for the duration of the excursion. In addition to
bringing more than enough food to be consumed on the waterway it is important
to carry a day’s extra in the event a mishap or inclement weather causes the
group to stay an extra night in the wilderness.
Items that can be frozen serve as ice packs for the coolers.
This includes meats and liquids, and anything that can be prepared and frozen
in advance. Other perishables should be acquired one or two days in advance of
To ensure everyone remains hydrated each should bring a high-quality
water purification system. This enables the group to obtain, purify and consume
water directly from the river, significantly reducing the load to be
Finally, freshness of food, and cleanliness of cooking and
eating gear is key to ensuring no-one falls ill while in the middle of nowhere.
Clothing, personal hygiene and related items are largely a
matter of personal preference.
Assume the worst-possible weather. To battle moisture-retention,
nylon, long-sleeved shirts and pants are recommended. Light-colored clothing
makes it easy to spot ticks and other insects, as well as generally being
cooler. In addition, DEET-based insect repellent is required and for those
especially sensitive to bugs, a headnet.
To protect oneself from the sun, a large-brimmed hat, sunglasses
and sunblock are a must.
Packing gear and provisions in such a way as to minimize the
moving parts is the next step.
Each individual’s personal gear should be limited to what can
fit into no more than two 40-liter drybags and a small backpack. All other gear
must be packed into durable totes and coolers that can be sealed to ensure no
entry of water should it rain, or a canoe capsizes. Packing gear into totes and
coolers designated for tools, pantry, non-perishable and perishable food
ensures things can easily be found.
Final pre-trip preparations can now be handled.
The final step is documenting and sharing a float plan with a
responsible party who will remain behind and alert authorities if the group
isn’t heard from at predetermined points of time. A float plan includes: the
name and contact information of each individual, their emergency contact, dates
of planned departure and return, the planned route, the watercraft involved,
and other pertinent details.
With preparations complete, the group is ready to enjoy an off
the grid, Northwoods adventure.
The final article will cover the AWW experience.
Craig Bailey is a Registered Maine Guide and owner of Maine
Adventures, LLC. To learn more visit: www.MaineAdventuresLLC.com.
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