Friday, August 16, 2013

Mentally going back to school - By Michelle Libby

Being prepared for back to school takes a little effort, but the dividends will last all year.

1.    Start putting the whole family on the school schedule of going to bed early and getting up early. Set bedtime a half-an-hour earlier each night.

2.    Review all the school materials your child got at step-up day. Make sure they have the supplies they need at hopefully they did the assignments given over the summer.

3.    If your child’s school allows it, take them to the building to try their lockers and get familiar where key classrooms are, as well as the bathroom and front office.

4.    Make some decisions before school starts. Will you drive your child to school? Will they eat hot lunch or bring a lunch? Discussing issues like this will help the child be mentally prepared.

5.    Create a homework space and set guidelines about homework and screen time. Homework is important for reinforcing concepts and introducing new material.

6.    Have play dates before school starts with some of the children that will be in your child’s class. Having familiar faces and shared experiences makes day one not as scary.

7.    Talk to your child and see what his/her anxieties are, if any, about starting school. Let them know you’re there for them no matter what.

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