Monday, October 21, 2013

Holistic Health - Myofascial release - By Lisa DeFosse

Do you have chronic pain that is not responding to traditional therapies like massage, acupuncture, physical therapy, chiropractic or pain medication? These therapies are effective in relieving pain temporarily, but many times don’t treat the cause of the pain. Consider seeking Myofascial release alongside the other therapies you are using.

 Myofascial Release works with the fascial system in our bodies to release the pressure caused by restrictions in our fascia. Fascia is a web of connective tissue that runs through our body, in and around our organs, muscles, tendons and even at the cellular level. Think about a chicken breast. When you pull the skin back, you see a web of tissue between the skin and the meat. This is the fascia. 

Myofascial restrictions are caused by trauma and inflammatory responses and can produce tensile pressures of about 2,000 pounds per square inch. These restrictions do not show up on regular tests such as x-rays, MRIs, myelograms or CAT scans. You may feel pain in your knee, but the fascial restriction could be in your pelvis or your neck. The fascia is a three-dimensional web and when it becomes restricted, it pulls on the rest of the web. 

Myofascial release works to find the source of the pain, not just treat the symptoms. Sometimes trauma has settled in our fascia for many years and the pain we feel is far removed from the original source of the trauma. Through sessions of gentle hands-on therapy, a Myofascial release therapist can slowly release the fascia throughout the body. One release leads to another spot to be released. It’s like pulling a thread on a sweater. As you pull the thread, the other fibers get tight. As you release the thread, the sweater goes back to its original shape. That is the goal of Myofascial release… to bring your body back to its original shape and release the pressure that is causing the pain.

If you are struggling with chronic pain that does not seem to be helped by traditional therapies, consider trying Myofascial release. Many physical therapists and massage therapists are trained in this therapy. For more information, visit

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