Norm and Betty
Jo Cash, owners of Onsite Auto Glass, will be collecting food and
non-perishable items for the family of 4-year-old Kaden Fecteau of Casco until
August 18, 2015, Kaden “was diagnosed with stage 3 Rabdomyosarcoma. The tumor was is his ear, and putting pressure
on a nerve in the right side of his face. The tumor had wrapped itself
around the bone which initially
made it inoperable. Kaden underwent treatment
to reduce the size, to allow surgery.
Kaden and his family have taken multiple
journeys to Boston,
and spent many nights at Maine Medical.
Initially things went well, then the tumor was found to have new growth.
This is extremely rare. The decision was made to operate. Baby Batman
(Kaden’s nickname after his favorite superhero) came through the surgery
like a champ. But, unfortunately this type of cancer is expected
to return if left alone, Kaden continues to undergo treatment. Oncologists give him a 30
to 40 percent chance of survival, and a poor long term survival rate,”
said a statement from family friends.
“To look at him you would
never know he’s sick. He’s a very active, happy go lucky kid. His smile is
contagious,” Betty Jo said.
family and Kayden’s parents Michael and Elizabeth Fecteau, are no strangers to
adversity. Kaden has a 15-year-old brother and a 10-year-old sister, who has
Rett Syndrome. Rett syndrome is a rare genetic
neurological and developmental disorder that affects the way the brain
develops, causing a progressive inability to use muscles for eye and body
movements and speech. It occurs almost exclusively in girls.
Cash’s heard about Kayden last September, when their trash man John Scott, of
Scott’s Disposal was doing a bottle drive to raise money for the family. At
Christmas time, through 50/50 raffles and more bottles, friends were able to
raise between $1,700 and $1,800 to help the family through the holidays.
getting worse. It’s not a good outcome unless a miracle happens,” said Betty
and Sani Design as well as Active Health Performance Therapy and Onsite Auto
Glass are all collecting items for the family “to make it a little easier on
them,” said Betty Jo. They are collecting non-perishable items and gas cards,
food and toiletries.
can be dropped off at Onsite Auto Glass, 700 Gray Road in Windham during work
hours, or at Active Performace Therapy, 512 Warren Ave. in Portland.
Onsite Auto Glass is accepting food until July
10. FMI, call 207-318-0711.
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