“I knew from a very early age, as far
back as I can remember, that I must visit and live in Nepal and be on my own,”
Mullin stated. However, it took a while before Nepal became her home for two
years. First, Mullin married and had a precious daughter at the age of 19,
eventually becoming a mother of a beautiful son, too. Her days were filled with
home and community activities in her Belgrade Lakes region home. Although she
was happy with her life, the calling to go to Nepal never subsided and left an
emptiness she could not describe or satisfy. As she approached mid-life, it was
imperative for her to fill the abyss created by a dream not met. With children
now grown, she left her comfortable home and life in Maine, traveling to
another land alone to follow her heart’s wish. In doing so, she retrieved a
part of herself she had pushed aside for many years. Mullin shares her
adventures as if they happened yesterday.
It is often in these moments when both
fear and freedom are yours that an awakening begins to develop and we discover
that we are the author of our own story, writing it not alone, but in
conjunction with that unknown force that some refer to as God. Diving into
unknown territory was both frightening and liberating for Jeri, as she
meandered through many “mystical and enchanting” and sometimes challenging adventures
that began the moment she arrived. These adventures where pilgrimages to her,
learning lessons with each and every tale.
Her first adventure began when she
arrived. The little bungalow she had rented upon her arrival was not ready when
she landed that early spring day. She was welcomed and invited to stay at the
home of a guide from a previous visit to Nepal. Niru and his family embraced
Mullin into their lives offering a place of refuge until her bungalow was
ready. She accepted the offer with apprehension as Niru’s home was a one room
building with no bathroom and only one bed for a family of six. Niru’s wife and
Jeri got to share the small, hard bed while Niru and the children slept on the
Mullin describes her first night. “Tossing
and turning to find a comfortable position became my priority as I began to
finally shut out the unusual sounds of the night. I lay facing the gray stained
green wall, my eyes blinking, adjusting to the dimness. Finally, my eyes began
to close and I started to relax. As I was drifting off to sleep, a movement
caught my eye and I spotted something enormous slithering along the wall.” It
wasn’t long before other large slithering creatures began crawling along the
wall and scurrying directly in front of Mullin. Unable to contain her fear, she
pressed closely against Niru’s wife and told her about the crawling creatures.
“It’s okay – they are only lizards”, she
said and promptly fell back to sleep. Unable to calm herself, Mullin leaned
over the bed to wake up Niru, only to discover that the biggest cockroach she
had ever seen was crawling on his face. She screamed, waking her guide. Niru
simply brushed the big insect off his face and spoke to Mullin in a reassuring
voice, “Jeri Darling, do not be alarmed. They are only lizards and cockroaches.
Try to get some sleep.” It was not until her last night spent in the welcoming
home of Niru and his family that Mullin realized her Western perception of life
and the way things “should” be is what caused her the most turmoil.
Of course, two years in a foreign land
produce many stories with built in life lessons. A few worth mentioning include
the story about the homeless woman who sat at the gate in Mullin’s front yard
begging for money every day. Mullin discovered the woman was once an important
Nepali dancer who performed for many high ranking officials, including Queen
Elizabeth and Prince Charles. She was kidnapped by a local drug dealer who
abused her and gave her heroin. She became addicted and thrown back to society
to fend for herself without support. (Lesson: everyone has an unknown story, so
don’t be quick to judge.) Or the day
Mullin and her two guides climbed the Himalayan Mountains to visit a female
monastery. While there, she collapsed and had to be carried down. Once home, she
laid in bed, passed out for three days. (Lesson: “It’s helpful to get checked
for worms in a third world country.”). Or the time she fell in love (Lesson: She
learned how to love back.)
However, it was the exploration and
becoming a part of the culture that provided the most profound lesson. Raised a
Northern Baptist, an unfulfilling spiritual path for Mullin, she began
meditating with Buddhist monks. The first practice opened the flood gates of
pain, releasing the burdens she had experienced all of her life. After
continued involvement, Mullin realized she was becoming happier, more peaceful
and the emptiness she once felt began to cease. Recognizing that meditation was
a beneficial and life changing experience, she made it a part of her everyday life
practice and became a follower of the Dali Lama. She is now a meditation
leader/instructor. (Lesson: “The Buddha was asked what he gained from
meditation. He answered, “Nothing. I have lost stress, anxiety, insecurity,
depression, anger and fear of death.”)
Mullin teaches meditation classes to
area businesses in the greater lakes region. If you or your business is
interested in a morning, noon, or evening meditation group, please inquire by contacting
Mullin at jasunshine5@icloud.com.
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