“Unfortunately, we see an
increase in child fatalities on Halloween,” stated Windham State Farm Agent,
Tricia Zwirner. “Kids are twice as likely to be hit and killed by a
vehicle on Halloween night compared to other nights.”
Statistics show 23% of fatalities
occur with children between the ages of five and eight; and 70% of accidents
occur away from an intersection or crosswalk.
“Whether you’re
trick-or-treating, driving or passing out treats at home, it’s important to
remember these simple, but important safety tips,” Zwirner said:
If you’re going door-to-door
Always accompany young children.
Use caution during the
“scariest” hours: between 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Studies show the hour between
6 p.m. to 7 p.m. is especially dangerous for pedestrian accidents.
Stick to neighborhoods with
sidewalks. If you must walk on the street, keep to the far left, facing
Practice safe crossing
procedures: Use crosswalk; wait for corners; and look left, right and left
again before crossing.
Make sure costumes and shoes
are the correct size to prevent tripping. Use face paint and leave masks
at home. Masks can obstruct vision.
If an older child is venturing
out without supervision, ask him/her to go with a group. Discuss the route
and agree on a curfew. Give older kids cell phones so they can stay in
If you’re driving
Be alert for children and
eliminate in-car distractions.
Drive slowly.
Practice extra caution at
intersections and corners.
Pull in and out of driveways
If you’re handing out treats
Keep your home brightly lit.
Clear debris and other
obstacles from your lawn, sidewalks and steps.
Opt for battery-operated
candles in jack-o’-lanterns instead of candles.
Keep pets kenneled or in
another room.
Now let’s have fun and stay safe out there!
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