been described as a ‘force of nature,’ a lady with boundless energy and
infectious enthusiasm while in service to the people and the institutions of
her much beloved town of Windham.
whirlwind that was Edith H. (Burgess) Bell became stilled with her passing in
Williamsburg, VA on Dec. 22, 2018 at the age of 92. She was an educator,
historian, musician, outdoorswoman, a community leader and, as will be explained,
a ‘straight shooter.’ The projects and institutions with which she was involved
touched nearly every family in town from the 1950s through 1990.
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Edith Bell holding Tyler Andrew Clark |
of her death first reached Windham by social media. On Facebook, one admirer
shared, “(she) was one of my greatest role models.”
Greenacre, who served with Bell in the Delta Kappa Gamma Society, a
professional group of key women in education, called her colleague a true
‘woman of distinction’ who never hesitated to step forward and give
wholeheartedly to any group she belonged to.”
in Waldoboro, Maine in 1926, Bell grew up on the family poultry farm, attended
local schools and graduated from Waldoboro High School in 1943. She was a
member of Girl Scouts, 4-H, youth Grange, school band and attended church
school – a training ground for what would become a life of service to church
and community, for which Windham would later become the beneficiary.
earned her teaching degree from Gorham State Teachers College in 1947, the same
year she married Fred Albion Bell of Westbrook. The couple settled in Windham
where they bought and renovated an 1832 farmhouse on River Road. Here they
raised two daughters, Johnna and Joy.
on, Edith taught elementary grades in Windham and gave private piano lessons.
She later earned two master’s degrees and became a librarian and media
specialist at Westbrook Junior High School.
a busy schedule with family and career, Edith became involved in numerous
church and community activities. She and Fred joined the Windham Hill United
Church of Christ (U.C.C.) where she taught and became superintendent of the
church school. In addition, she was the church organist and sang in the choir.
Edith would later create the popular hand bell choir in commemoration of
daughter Johnna who died during her early years of college.
the community, Edith’s busy pursuits included the formation of a Girl Scout troop,
president of the Windham Historical Society, and trustee of the Windham Public
created the Cardinal Troop Girl Scout Camp on Dundee Pond that served hundreds
of young girls over several years. Becky (Plummer) Delaware remembers week-long
outings at the Presumpscot River site, led by Edith and co-leader Betty Pulkkinen.
were a brave pair (supervising) 20 girls, ages 8 to 18, doing wilderness
camping.” Edith blew Reveille at 7 a.m. and Taps at 9 p.m. “They kept us
entertained; we hiked, swam, sang, did crafts, campfire and generally had fun.”
in the classroom, church school or Girl Scout meetings and camp outs, Edith had
rules and standards. All were expected to live by them. But Delaware also
recalls many instances when Edith was helpful and understanding. At Cardinal
Camp, “We had outhouses. At night, after campfire, all 20 or so girls had to
use them. Having no electricity, we all had flashlights; inevitably some girl
would drop hers ‘down the hole.’ Edith to the rescue. She would retrieve the
light, clean it up and return it to the delighted girl.”
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Windham history compiled by Bell |
meals, campers would sing grace. Anyone who was late for the gathering would
have to endure the camp’s “sin-song,” “Always behind like the old cow’s tale” Delaware pointed out, “It chastised
the late one and entertained the rest of us.”
(Bailey) Lunt remembers Cardinal Camp as “…the greatest part of school summer
vacation. We had so much fun.” All the leaders and counselors had camp
nicknames: Edith was Bucket, Pulkkinen was Cutie-Babe, and so on. “I remember
cooking dough-boys over the fire; they were basically Bisquik on a stick. On
the first day of camp, Lunt said all the campers brought home-made snacks. The
leaders would serve them throughout the week. “When my chocolate coo-coo
cookies were never brought out I asked Cutie-Babe what had happened to them. She
just said they must be ‘in another box.’ Years later, Lunt said Cutie-Babe (Pulkkinen)
admitted she had “always felt bad” about those cookies. It seems she and Bucket
(Edith) had eaten them in the hours after Taps because “they were sooo good.”
Many years later, Lunt would become a scout leader herself – “I used many of
Bucket’s ideas and strategies with my own troop.”
had numerous other busy pursuits in the community. She wrote and compiled
historic photos for the book “Images of America – Windham, Maine”, which is
still sold today.
her friend and fellow U.C.C. parishioner, Laurel Parker says, “Edith was a presence.
This woman had two speeds: full (steam ahead) and dead stop.” She said the
church’s carillon was donated by Edith Bell in memory of her deceased husband,
Fred. She also bought the collection of English bells (to commemorate her late
daughter) and trained others to play them. The group, known as the Melody
Ringers, played in the church and for various events around Windham. “The
church was her world,” said Parker, who is the U.C.C. historian.
to declining health and a desire to be closer to family, Edith departed Windham
in 2009 to join her daughter Joy and husband Kenneth Mair in Williamsburg,
Virginia. Bell’s many contributions and the many stories of her life in Windham
remain; especially her legendary affection for ice cream.
was her way of celebrating anything. She even had a collection of unique ice
cream cups and dishes,” said Parker. Asked about her favorite flavor, Parker
answered, “Any kind, any time.”
Bell is also remembered for some of her unique personal characteristics.
Daughter Joy said her mother disliked woodchucks and snakes; woodchucks because
they ate the plants in her garden and snakes because, well, they were snakes. “Mom,”
she continued, “would always confront her problems head-on – rarely seeking
help from others.”
weekend, as Joy returned to the Windham farm from college, a neighbor sought
her out and proclaimed, “Your Mother!” It seems the previous week Edith had
confronted both challenges in her own way. She told Joy, “I went up to Libby’s
Rent-all, got a chainsaw and some instructions on how to use it, and cut the
mess around the well-house – then I had a bonfire and cooked hot dogs on a
stick.” Apparently, that took care of the snake den; next, the woodchucks.
the advice of her neighbor, Edith purchased a 20-gauge shotgun – and practiced
firing it. After many misses, she managed to bag the marauding marmot,
whereupon she boxed it up….and put it on the neighbor’s porch.
said among the family photos at the Windham farm she found one of her mother
wearing a baseball cap, holding the 20-gauge gun and striking a distinct Annie
Oakley pose.
Bell will be remembered at a special commemoration on Saturday, Jan. 12 at
Windham Hill Church at 11:00 a.m. The public is invited. Among other activities,
the hand bell choir will play the hymn “Beautiful Savior”. And of course, ice
cream will be served.
the numerous messages on Facebook following her death was this from one of her
many friends and admirers: “It better snow ice cream when you get to
heaven.” <
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