it comes as a surprise to many Lake Region residents, Windham had its own
drive-in theater. It operated for 36 years.
Rogers of M.L. Rogers Excavation (Windham Center) began earthwork on the
multi-acre site in North Windham early in 1949, including mounding for the rows
of car ramps. Opening night on July 26 featured one of the most prominent films
of the late ‘40s: “Rachel and the Stranger”. The movie starred box-office
heartthrob William Holden; Loretta Young, fresh off an Oscar for “The Farmer’s
Daughter”; and Robert Mitchum, in a role that launched him into major movie
stardom. One classic-movie web-site described the film as “…a simple story,
wonderfully told with an even blend of action, humor, history and song.”
drive-in proprietor Jim Spiers attracted a brisk business with Walt Disney and
other family-oriented film fare. Patrons of the day still remember how the
double feature was presented each night. First, one or two cartoons (Popeye was
a favorite) followed by the first movie. Between features, a darkened screen,
bright lights and a three-minute countdown clock signaled it was time to visit
the snack bar, and finally the second show. When it all came to an end shortly
after midnight, traffic would swell on route 302 as “the drive-in let out.”
over three decades the iconic big screen was located near the intersection of
River Road and route 302, now occupied by the Lee-Car dealership and Mechanic
Savings Bank. The lone reminder today is the street sign “Drive-in Lane,”
located near the old driveway that led to the ticket booth.
would families of the 50s and 60s say “Let’s go see ‘such-and-such movie.’”
Instead, it would be “Let’s go to the drive-in tonight.” It didn’t really
matter what movie was being shown. For teenagers, the drive-in was the
entertainment hot-spot during an era of innocence and fast times. Convoys of
souped-up, refurbished vehicles would arrive, usually parking in groups in the
back row (otherwise known as the “passion pit.” Since the admission price was
per-person, a favorite prank was to hide people in the trunk until safely
inside the theater grounds.
was a gathering place for kids on Friday and Saturday nights. Didn’t matter
what was playing.” recalls Frank Lamb, who graduated from Windham High School
in 1964. “We all had a certain place to park that was ‘our spot,’ usually up in
the back.”
remembers one weekend in the early 1960s when he tried to sneak his buddies in
without paying.
were two of us in the front seat and seven guys in the trunk. We were in a ’59
Chevy – that car had a huge trunk. We would have gotten away with it… except the
rear bumper was (almost) draggin’ on the ground.”
said the ticket booth attendant claimed state law required him to check the car
for alcohol and that they had to open the trunk. “Of course, there was no such
law, but we didn’t know that. He could see the back of the car riding low.” The
boys were made to pay the full ticket price. “But we had to scrounge for change
to do it.” said Lamb, smiling and clearly enjoying the memory of the incident.
(Morse) Jordan and Carol (Lewis) Taylor were in high school and employed at the
Windham Drive-In Theater in the early 1960s. Jordan lived directly across the
street from the theater and was often hired to clean up the grounds the day
after a movie night. “(Patrons) would dump all their (snack remains and other)
trash onto the ground before leaving.” She said she and her family could walk
across the street with a blanket and enjoy a movie on the ground next to the
car speakers.

interviews with long-time Lake Region residents who remember Windham Drive-In,
few could name a picture they saw there, but all remembered the train. Being a
family-oriented venue, most outdoor movie theaters had a playground; swing sets
and merry-go-rounds were common, but the Windham Drive-In playground had
something special; a kiddy train. Young children climbed aboard the small rail
cars and rode into a wooded area adjacent to the theater. The silver
mini-locomotive, operated by an adult, could be heard hauling successive groups
of young, smiling faces right up to movie time at dusk.
memory of early outdoor theater goers was the movie speaker system. Speakers
hanging off the inside of a car’s window prevented the window from “rolling”
all the way up. The result was often a mosquito invasion. To discourage the
pesky insects, Lamb said a theater worker would sometimes walk between the cars
unleashing gray fog from a “smoker.” He said it was hard to tell which was
worse, “…the smoke or the mosquitoes.”
was also not unusual for cars to drive off at the end of the evening forgetting
about the speaker on the window. It made a raw crunching sound and usually
resulted in damage to the speaker, the window, or both.
Tevanian brothers, current owners and operators of the Pride’s Corner and
Bridgton Drive-Ins, leased the Windham facility in the early 1980s. Jeff Tevanian,
who operates Pride’s Corner in Westbrook, says “(The drive-in) is a different
environment. It’s about the experience, theater under the stars, not the movie.
You can’t experience this on your phone or a tablet. Sometimes simpler is
better. Drive-Ins used to thrive, now it’s nostalgic.” Tevanian says running a
drive-in theater is not a money maker, but “You’re providing a joyful,
entertaining space for friends and family – you get caught up in it (because)
you have the venue for that.
Tevanian related a not-so-joyful event after leasing the Windham theater in
1983. “It was opening night, we had advertised heavily, new owners and all
that. A sizable crowd showed up, but we couldn’t get a picture on the screen.
Stress. We had to refund everyone’s money and listen to their (not so kind) comments.”
rest of that season, and the following, were successful, but 1984 proved to be
the last.
speculated reasons for the closing of Windham Drive-In: rising property values,
the advent of cable television, VCR’s or loss of customers. It was none of
those, said Jeff Tevanian, “It was vandalism. The place was vacant most of the
year; we suffered break-ins in the projection booth and the concession stand.
Even after repairs, they’d be back. We couldn’t sustain the expense.”
night, after 36 continuous viewing seasons, was Aug. 24, 1984. The last double
feature was “Star Trek III” and, oddly enough, “Stayin’ Alive.” <
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