Create a “Tick Safe” zone by cutting lawns and
removing leaf litter.
Keep children’s play areas 8 to10 feet from
wooded edges, stone walls and tall grass.
Wear light-colored, long-sleeved shirts, pants
and socks when outside.
Apply 0.5 percent permethrin spray (repels both
ticks and mosquitoes and works six weeks even through multiple washings) to your
work or play clothes. Treat exposed skin
with controlled release 20 percent to 30 percent DEET repellent.
Finally, and most importantly, perform a tick
check on yourself, your family and your pets daily, especially during the
months of May, June, and July when the nymph tick is most prevalent. When performing the tick check, use the
sensitivity of your fingers as well as your eyes. Nymph ticks are so tiny that
you might mistake one for a small freckle…if you use your hands to feel,
especially in the scalp, you are more apt to find and remove ticks in a timely
fashion. By performing a daily tick check, you greatly reduce your chances of
contracting Lyme disease and co-infections.
If you spend time outdoors, you are apt to pick up a tick from time to time. Don’t panic if you do. Medical experts differ on the time it takes for a tick to infect a host, but all agree that the longer the tick is attached, the greater your chances of contracting tick-borne diseases. Here’s how to remove a tick:
a pair of fine pointed tweezers, grasp the tick as close as possible to the
skin. Pull straight out with a steady motion. A tick’s mouthpart is barbed
like a fish-hook. It may take up to one minute applying steady pressure for
the tick to let go. Avoid squishing the tick or pulling side-to side. Once
For additional information, visit www.mainelyticks.com.
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