Windham Eagle student of the week is Elizabeth Petersen, an eighth grader at
Jordan-Small Middle School. Elizabeth loves math. She also enjoys playing
guitar, doing photography and writing songs.
I’m not in school, I’m at home or a friend’s house geeking out doing music
stuff,” she said.
is extremely helpful with other students who need assistance. She is always courteous to peers and teachers
and always comes to class with a smile on her face. Elizabeth excels in class and is very hard
working and conscientious in her studies.
One of her peers said, ‘I believe that Elizabeth should be honored
because she is really kind to everyone and tries her best to be a problem
solver,’” said the team at JSMS who chose her.
is the daughter of Jenn and Chris. He has a sister named Lilly and a dog named
TV show: Days of Our Lives
Animal: Dolphin
movie: Star Wars series
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