And you thought Rhubarb time was
challenging, coming up with enough ways to use it without repeating things and
getting old, and now you know great ways to use the rhubarb other than just the
plan old strawberry rhubarb pie; well it’s zucchini squash time, there’s no
time to lose, the motivation is even greater, they’re exploding off of each
plant with no time to waste.

A tasty vibrant squash like zucchini
lets you begin slowly and early, starting first by using the abundant early
morning male squash flowers, that normally get wasted, using them in ways that
you never thought possible. You can start with not only batter fried squash
blossoms but also by using them in an early morning tort, a quiche, or even
using them while mixing your pancake batter. The important thing to remember
when making the batter dipped squash blossoms is to carefully cut the
connecting stem end off thus removing the bitter pistil, before cutting the
flowers into wide strips just before you add them to an egg mixture. If making
a tort, or quiche add several early morning flowers to an egg mix and then
after adding the mixture to a prepared crust, topping the mix with several more
cut flowers in a spiral pattern, makes a real surprising image, as though you
were creating a sunflower appearance, cooking for about thirty minutes at 350
degrees; If you’re not quite ready for that then try something easier like a
squash blossom and Gruyere focaccia or a frittata, or simply adding to your
scramble egg recipe. Fried zucchini blossoms can also be combined with a side
of salad, and used at dinner or lunch time, or if more adventurous, a tasty
squash blossom soup.
We’ve all made zucchini bread, even
though the best initial recipe I had was shared with me years ago by my Boston
radio friend Dave Maynard of WBZ radio, yet now I take it one step further by
poking a series of deep holes in the top of a warm freshly cooked loaf with a
skewer, and then brushing on an easy to make orange syrup glaze. If you feel
real adventurous, after it has cooled, finish with a white chocolate topping.
On those days when I find myself either
busy drawing at the design table or writing at the computer, a simple trimmed
zucchini salad with one of the late season lettuces, graced with some easy to
make homemade honey dressing, a touch of either parsley, basil or better yet
cut mint leaves, make my seemingly simple salad something more. If friends are
over, it might be a grilled ribbon salad, highlighted with the first of the tom
basil leaves atop along with a topping of fresh shavings of Parmesan cheese.
The second most common use beyond simple
grilled or fried zucchini is to make a quick to cook Ratatouille, a great way
to combine using up a lot of extra vegetables, like eggplant, onions, and
peppers. Don’t forget the addition of a couple of bouquets of fresh thyme along
with a couple of fresh dug garlic cloves and a handful of chopped cherry
tomatoes, or better yet sliced heirlooms. That’s a great side dish for lunch or
dinner, especially if friends are coming.
And then the hot summer days hit, you
need a rest and before you can either eat them all or give enough away, the
squash turns into submarines, or at least some that look large enough to be
such. Well this season don’t throw them aside in the compost, bring them into
the kitchen for a one dish meal.
This is a no brainer. Scoop out the
center seedy flesh from a squash after it was cut halfway lengthwise, then
place the readied squash into an oiled casserole dish. After preheating the
oven to 400 degrees, I begin by sautéing some chopped onion and garlic, careful
not to add the garlic to soon. When just starting to color I add crumbled sweet
sausage, and then the saved zucchini flesh along with some chopped cherry
tomatoes, mixing up the color. Cook until softened which is usually around four
minutes. Meanwhile in a medium bowl while the mix is cooking I mix together
parmesan (or any cheeses you prefer) along with some chopped mozzarella and
some chopped parsley and basil along with my favorite homemade breadcrumbs,
spooning the meat mix generously into the waiting zucchini boats, topping with
the breadcrumb mix, a bit of a good virgin olive oil, bake for about 45 minutes
or until was darkened on top.
Friday night and you’re looking for
something light and quick to eat, how about zucchini pizzas? Start with a
fairly good sized squash, cutting it into four slices, topping each one with a
slice of tomato, and a bit of mozzarella, and you’re off. I top each one with a
slice or two of salami, and then pop into a hot oven just until the cheese melts.
Too hot, don’t worry. This one is just as tasty cool as it is warm. Play with
it. Try different toppings just like you would on a real pizza.
So you can see there is plenty of room
for your zucchinis in the kitchen, this is only the beginning, you may even do
as I did several years ago, and plant a second planting for later in the
season. Either way, enjoy.
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